Some recent cases of note in the last month include the following:
- Representing a young man accused of drug driving. He was charged with driving whilst unfit but no Field Impairment Test had been carried out and a urine as opposed to blood sample was taken. I represented him and with the assistance of an expert witness he was acquitted of the offence. He was awarded Defence Costs.
- An appeal in the Crown Court for a man who had been banned for six months by magistrates. I had the ban reduced to 28 days and was able to suspend the ban pending the appeal.
- Another appeal to the Crown Court for a client who had been convicted of not responding to a section 172 notice of impended prosecution at the magistrates by a District Judge. I was able to persuade the Crown Court that the presumption of postal service had been rebutted. The very large fine, points and costs were all annulled. He was awarded Defence Costs.
- Representing a man who had demolished whilst drink driving a fence and a lamp post whilst considerably over the drink drive limit and limiting his ban to the absolute minimum in law allowed – twelve months – through my sensible mitigation.
- Concluding a large mortgage fraud case with the client being sentenced after an indication by the Judge to a suspended sentence.
- Sending representations to the police in relation to an elderly lady and a collision which saw the matter dropped and the client able to continue to drive.
- Advising a driver on a judicial review in relation to a potential breach of natural justice argument following an appeal for a motoring matter.
- Representing in the civil courts a client whose deposit was not protected by the landlord. I was able to make an application under the Housing Act 2004. The client, after the case had been rumbling on for five years and the landlord had ignored part 36 offers galore, received her deposit back (£2400) plus £7200 in further penal damages (three times the deposit). In total judgement in this case was nearly £17000 for not protecting a £2400 deposit. As my father says “cheap is dear”.