I have been extremely busy defending up and down the country motorists since last blogging or posting. I have also started undertaking Court Martial work. Here is a very interesting case of mine from February 2021 – only last month!…
I have been extremely busy defending up and down the country motorists since last blogging or posting. I have also started undertaking Court Martial work. Here is a very interesting case of mine from February 2021 – only last month!…
I am leaving this reference as it was written: “I have the utmost pleasure to write this review for Julian Hunt. I sought his services for a traffic motoring offence this year 2019. I cant express enough how helpful Julian…
A lovely testimonial: ‘By rights I should have lost my licence as I had totted 16 points on my licence, I had what I thought was a valid “exceptional hardship” argument for keeping my licence and Julian expertly guided me…
Housing Act and HMO Civil Penalty Notices: A Very Brief Guide I have advised on many Housing Act Civil Penalty Notices since their inception. There is no set format for the notices which arrive with that ominous thud on the…
If you are being investigated for causing death by careless or dangerous driving please contact me. I have undertaken jury trial work in this very difficult area and work with a number of experts. This is one case I undertook…
The Chambers of Julian Hunt now has google reviews at https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=QkRpXdnOCrKWlwSHhZPgBg&q=chambers+of+Julian+Hunt+&oq=chambers+of+Julian+Hunt+&gs_l=psy-ab.3…120.5078..5292…6.0..0.94.1825.28……0….1..gws-wiz…….0i131j0j0i131i70i253j0i22i30j33i160j0i13.AnsbsbsnVp0&ved=0ahUKEwjZ96ru96rkAhUyy4UKHYfCBGwQ4dUDCAc&uact=5 Please do read the reviews I have had. I must admit I have been so busy with my practice that I have neglected to post in recent times. This week…
In the current clamp down by the police if you are unfairly summonsed for driving whilst using a mobile phone do contact me to see how I can assist you. I charge a fixed fee of £600 for representation at…
Another testimonial from a client recently allowed to keep her licence after racking up fifteen points: “As a single working mum the idea of having to cope with out my car filled me with horror, when I was faced with…
RB, a Project Manager, wrote this after I represented him at a failing to provide a specimen trial last week: “I am hugely grateful for Julian’s expertise and unequivocal support in winning my appeal on a complex motoring case, involving…
I was recently involved in a Freedom of Information matter against a government department. The Information Commissioner sided with me and came to the important conclusion that only in exceptional circumstances could the limit of forty days for delaying the…