What’s Your Background?
I qualified in 2005 and am a member of Lincoln’s Inn after obtaining a degree from the University of Cambridge. I’ve been in continuous practice ever since that date. Initially, I undertook family, civil and criminal work after pupillage and am a firm believer that the best training for any advocate is a mixed practice.
After pupillage (which is the term barristers use for their unique training experience) I eventually settled at the Crown Prosecution Service in Surrey for three and half years before leaving the stultifying security of the Civil Service, a pension and lots of annual leave to work independently wholly for myself after a year spent working in-house for a law firm. I am now able to dedicate my time to you especially with the advent of Direct Access whereby you can go straight to me – the expert – without the need for a solicitor. I am beholden to no one and offer firm advice and fearless representation. I have the very rare experience of someone who has spent time employed on the other side as a Senior Crown Prosecutor.
My years in the legal profession have taught me that commercial nous, pragmatism when required and courage are the true hallmarks of a lawyer worth his salt. When you become my client, your case becomes my problem – a problem to be solved expeditiously and, I hope, without the huge emotional and financial strains that litigation can engender.
What’s Direct Access?
Since reforms by the Bar Council in 2004 members of the public have been able to come straight to a barrister for advice, bypassing solicitors. This can be an extremely cost-effective and streamlined way of accessing legal advice. I don’t have the vast overheads of a typical solicitors’ office, whether they are huge indemnity premiums, rocketing secretarial and Law Society compliance costs or large offices – the costs of which are all added to your bill.
There are only a few things I can’t do under Direct Access such as hold funds on account. In general I can do the same work as a solicitor especially as I have a litigation extension to my practice certificate. For larger and more complex cases I do and will work with trusted solicitors I have known for many years.
Direct Access is a truly ground breaking approach to the public securing affordable justice. You have a direct line to a barrister. As for that promise – and it is a promise – about having a “direct line” to the barrister I often work late at night and my phone is always on for my clients. Why go through a solicitor acting as a middleman when you can come to me direct with no delays and with invariable savings?
Where do you work?
My practice is nationwide and I’m willing to travel across the length and breadth of the country to give you the first class representation you deserve. I am always online so catching me by mobile phone or email is simple. I will either meet clients at my Chambers in Sloane Square or will happily make a home visit. I utilise modern technology to ensure that I can represent and work with clients if they are not based in London or the South East. Give me a ring and see how I can help you. I have represented clients as far north as Carlisle.
Who regulates you?
I am regulated by the Bar Standards Board, the regulatory authority for all barristers. Like all barristers I’m also fully insured under the Bar Mutual Indemnity Fund. I am beholden to no company, no directors and no shareholders, only to you, my professional rules of ethics and the law. I am a member of the Public Access Bar Association, Criminal Bar Association, South Eastern Circuit and a FA Registered Lawyer. A copy of my complaints policy is sent to all clients once instructed along with a client care letter.
Do you have any spare time?
Occasionally. I cook (very badly), love films and enjoy watching lower league football in particular the mighty Barnet Football Club. I have two small children who also take up a lot of my time.