Another pleasant testimonial from a driver unfairly summonsed for a section 172 matter:
Having engaged the services of Julian as a defence counsel for an alleged offence of not responding to postal mail (which I never received) asking for a declaration of whom was the driver of my vehicle exceeding a stated speed limit on a specified date I was naturally worried and pessimistic about my prospects. The reason for this was clear, as there exists an edict that there is a presumption in law that if the Metropolitan Police claim they sent something to you by standard mail and (not by any form of registered post) that it has been duly served and received. I had not received the initial notice nor the reminder, due to either system or human error. Julian from the first briefing of my case was informed, considerate and transparent. His ‘all in fee’ was surprisingly reasonable and his communication, leading up to trial was concise, supportive and well informed.
Having gone through the experience without doubt engaging the services of an acknowledged expert to fight your corner/ case such as Julian is fundamental to maximising the chances of ‘winning the day’.
I cannot recommend Julian Hunt enough. He is informed, precise, helpful and incredible value for money.
‘Deinceps ad victoriam’… Onwards to victory.